
Happy Day & January 3rd 2024 The Year of Our Lord, So The English Say:)

Hi Friends, Well If Your Visiting Florida This Week? Burr Its a Bit Chilly:( So The Scoop is, Yes, It Does Get Cold In Florida But Only Maybe Two Weeks Out of the Whole Year! Usually Here, It’s in the 80’s Which We All Like:) Personally When I Lived In Canada With My Dad, I Really Loved Ice Skating & Taking a Matt Down the Hill & Walking Back Up:) Honestly, I Don’t Know How To Spell The Sport But You Know What I’m Talking About, Yes?

So Enjoy My New Word For The Year, “Sisu’ Which is a Finnish Word That Means, Tenacity, Toughness, Bold Courage & I think is The Perfect Word For This Year:) The Movie Called, “Sisu’ is Pretty Cool Too:)
See My Mom & Me And My Bunny Mr Pancake Who Has Long Past Now:( They Live In My Heart:)
Look Though My Website For Some Dance Videos Up By January 8th Though Out My Website:) Enjoy!
So Of Course The Year Has To Start Off With Drama! LOL 🙂 One of My Competitors That Advertise Close To Me & Only a Few Who Read This Knows Who I Am Talking About:) You See My Videos & Pictures! You Know Me 4 Years Some of You! Yes? Go Figure, Claire Who Advertise Insinuates That I May Not Be a Women! What The Fudge? Crazy Lady To Get Folks To Call Her Instead I Guess? Pretty Low & Nasty! I Simply Point Out The Price Difference & How I Truly Care About My Clients & Describe The Art of Massage:) She Calls Herself a “Provider 4 Decades So Says’ Ok So There is a Difference in Prices of Course! Yes? So It Hurt a Bit But In This World People Can Be Mean Especially Behind a Computer! So Lets Be Nicer & More Loving to Each Other This Year! Yes? Folks That Know Me? You Have My Ok to Tell Her Other Wise, Or Anything that Rhymes With Tires! Claire, 1-321-617-3793 Bullying Should Stop & I Think this Kind of Person Who Does This To Her Competitors Should Know Its Not Cool & Maybe She Needs To Close Her Legs & Get Check Out Her Self More Ways Than One! So Let’s All Remember To Be Kind & Unwind & Know Your R Appreciated By Me & The World! Peace Out

Happy Day Dec31th & 4 The New Year, 2024:)

Happy Day Always & Everyday Not Just One Day! I Guess What I’ve Learned This Year More & More As I Get Older Like Us All:) Who Knows What The Future Holds & Making Friends Is Super Cool:) So, When I See New & Old Clients, You Become My Friends 4 a Long Time:) Not Just About Money or Getting What I Can, Money Is Not King To Me:) U as a Person Is! What Is Going On In Your Life & When Your Back & Body Needs TLC? I Can Be Your Massage Therapist Friend, Me, Wendy Arlene! You Will Always See New & Old Photos, So Enjoy:) As Ads R So Deceiving With Old Pictures of People In The Same Pose:( Enjoy My Fun & Creative Art Work Of The Years & This Year:) U Have to Sometimes Go Through All My Pages & Content to See What’s New & Said About New Therapies! I Always Get Better & Better Each Year With Awesome “Herbal Hair Removal Services’ & Ways to Make Your Massage More Relaxing & Healing 4 U Always:)
So On a Bit Serious Note 4 Maybe New Folks Looking Here: There is Lot’s of Human Trafficing Theses Days Through The America’s:( So Yes, Maybe You Can Get Full Service In The Cities By Foreigners Who Don’t Speak English! But Is It Helping Those Folks When You Go? No It Does Not:( Whatever You Do, Chose Good & Someone Who Wants To Really Service You To Make The World A More Happier Kinder Place:) Full of Compassion & Grace 4 One Another:)
That Is My Thoughts 4 This Year & Next:) Hope To Meet You Soon:)Remember I Don’t Speak Foreign, Just American White Girl Here:) LOL So Just Enjoy My Website & Peace On Earth Near & Far:) Elon Musk, Call Me:) I Got a Space Video 4 U To Enjoy:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Happy Holidays Friends Enjoy Pampering In Wendy’s World & Whiskey2StayWarm

Hi Friends, I Hope This Holiday Season U Find Time to Relax? 🙂 Maybe, I Can Help? Warm Heated Healing Stones, My Famous Aloe Vera Gel,(No Grease, Or Perfume Smell:) Yay! No Greasy Coconut Oil Or Other Oily Lotions That R Not Truly Natural:( Thank U To All My Repeat Clients:) I Feel So Lucky & I’m So Glad I Moved to Florida From California:) Some of U Maybe Like Well, Is It Just a Standard Boring Massage? The Answer Is No, Enjoy a Variety of Music From The 70’s To The 2000’s:) Whiskey To Warm You Up But Only a Small Amount to Sample In The Beginning Before You Get That “Great Massage’ My Hair Removal System Is Bring Folks From 2 Hours Away:) Simply The Best For Being Gentle, Long Lasting And an Alternative To Waxing Establishments! I Know Other Places Offer Sex But Keep In Mind To Those of U Who May Not Have a Clue? Many of These Places, Asians, Traffic Girls From Place To Place:( So Yes, U Can Get In Very Fast, Why? The Girls R Not Licensed & Forced Into Prostitution:( So Yes, You Can Get Sex From These Establishments But R U Supporting Human Trafficing? Yiks:( I Hope Not?:( Just Be Aware And I Hope You Enjoy The Holidays But Also Help The World, Planet Be More Loving & Helpful:) That All Said, I Love Animals Big & Small:) I Hope U Can Help Rescue Or Adopt a Angel Out There That Would Love to Be Your Best Friend:) To All The Foreign Folks Who May Read My Post, Merry Christmas But I Only Speak English & Can’t Read Any Response:( So Just Enjoy My Website & Be Nice To People Around You Close & Far:) Too Many Mean Folks That Sit In Front Of a Computer Screen To Judge Others:( Who R We To Judge Another? Have We Walked in Their Shoes? No! So In The Spirit of Christmas Lets Love More & Judge Less:) Cheers, From Wendy Arlene & My Friends In High & Low Places:)

Almost December:) Be Out There This Holiday:) & Stay Warm:)

Hi Friends, Can You Believe It? It’s Almost Christmas & The End of The Year:) Enjoy Many of My New Videos! All Done @ Different Times In My Life With Love & The Passion To Show You How Creativity & Fun U Can Have Too:) So Every Month I Share With You My Thoughts 4 The Month, Good & Bad:) So This Month, I Had a Client Come In @ Get A Wonderful Massage Treatment! I Mean, lots of Stretching, Warm/Hot Stones & Warm Non-Greasy Aloe Vera Gel I Make Myself:) So Afterwards, He Said, “You Know, I First I Thought You Were Way Out There’ ” But After Knowing You & Seeing You a Few Times, You R Smart, Very Interesting & Know You Stuff:)’ So I Thought About What He Said & I Responded Like, ” Hey Some Folks Say & Think That’ He Was From a Small Town & Lets Just Say Not California:) I Said, “Well, I’m Creative & a Free Thinker. I Follow My Own Inner Drummer’ I Once Did Do What Everyone Else Does & That Was “Boring’ & Mindless’ I Hope More People Can Be More Them selves & Be Creative In Their Own Way:) You Can Still Be Super Smart & Pay Your Bills’ LOL:) So As I Gave This More Thought & Thinking About Other “Out There Folks’ Elon & Albert Einstein Because Their Thoughts & Ideas Where Out There Too! How Do Inventions, New Ways 2 See Our Planet If You Don’t Live Out There a Bit?:) I Try To Make My “Massage & Skincare’ Services Be Different & More Authentic 4 You Than Most Out There:) I Appreciate All My Lovely Clients & Hope This New Year Can Be More About Peace, Non Judgement of Others & Love:) I Guess That Comes From My Hippie Side & Maybe The Hippies Had The Right Ideas Than All The Hate Out There Today:( We R All Different & Unique So Embrace That About Yourself & Live Out There a Bit:) I Promise Not To Tell or Judge:) Remember Pets Welcome & Remember If Your From Another Country & Catch My Blog. I Only Speech English & Can Not Access Your Comments:)So Just Enjoy & Be Happy Where Ever You May Be My Friends:) Merry Christmas & Happy New Year:) Coming Soon 2024:)

Welcome To The Holidays & Kinder Massage 4 You

Have Fun with Your Pets:) Pet’s R Welcome! This Season, I Will Be Available To Most For a Super der Massage:) Like Wild Girls? I’m Not And I’m Honest About That:) I’m The Lass You See When You Want More Serenity Into Your Life & a Genuine Happy Experience In The Art of Massage:) Thank You To All My Wonderful Clients & I Love You All! I Appreciate All Of You & For Watching Out 4 Human Trafficing To Keep Women Safer & Not Be Expoited:( Many Girls In The City R & Along As John’s Keep Taking Advantage, It Will Continue:( Make Sure Where You Go & That The Lady Wants To Do Things That Most Women Would Not So We All Can Make The World a Better Place 4 All Of Us 🙂 Enjoy, Be Pampered & Relax With a Great Massage 4 a Great Prices, $80 Bucks & Also Try My “Herbal Hair Removal Services! Simply The Best, Long Lasting & Gentle:) Only $20 Extra:) I Have Folks From All Over Florida Loving This Way to Remove Hair:) I Believe You Will Too:) Have a Beautiful Toasty Holiday:)

Almost Halloween & I Wish All Of You a Fun Season:)

Great Is Different & I Guess That Is Me:) Why Do What Everyone Else Does Because? Never Be Fearful To Be Yourself:) That Is What You Get With Me:) Authentic & I Care About My Clients:) I Remember Mostly Everything That You Care About & Wish You The Best:) As The World Gets More & More Crazy:( I’m Here As a “Refreshing Alternative To Prostitution Massage! Yes, I’m Not as Wild As Many Of My Peers Or Do I Want To Be:( I Give My “Best Massage’ 4 You, I Trained & Work To Make Natural Organic Aloe Vera Gel & My Hair Removal System Is Awesome:) OK, So We Can Brake This Down More Today & Talk About The Difference Between What Is a “Provider’ Terms Used By Prostitutes Or “Body Rub’ So What’s The Big Deal? Glad You Asked:) Well No Schooling to Test The Abilities To Successful Get Someone Out of Physical Pain Or Hair Removal! Can They Detect Maybe a Mole That Needs Attention & To Point Out, as a Skincare Professional Can:) My Diplomas Hang On My Wall So You Can See:) So Miss Wendy Why Not Just Do Whatever 4 The Bucks & Then Guys that Review Prostitutes Will Give You a Good Review? The “Willie Types’ No Thanks:( I’d Rather Be Liked By The Right Folks Than Liked By The Wrong Folks! So If You Still R Like Well, Prostitution Is The Best! Is It Really? Ok Lets Brake It Down The Way I See It So You Get Where I’m Coming From Here….If a Prostitute, I Mean “Provider’ Sees 2 Clients a Day, 5 X’s a Week X’s( Month) 4 = 40 clients. Very Conservative Probably More But I’m Being Fair/Nice:) Say 20 R Regular Clients Not New But Many See Other Prostitutes In between & 20 New Clients = 40 x 12 =480 Guys Many Let You Know They R Known 4 a Decade So That’s 480 X’s 10 = 4800 Men So WOW!!!! That’s a Lot & This is Very Conservative:) Ask Them? So You Know & Can Understand Why That Is Not My “Business Model'( If You Want To Love Another Women Or R In Love With Another Women Now? Why Would You Bring a Nasty Home? Just Too Yucky 4 Me:( My Massage/Skincare Service Is Not Boring & Very Very Relaxing & Creative:) These “Providers’ Everyday They Wake Up, Suck, Fuck & Get Fingered Everyday! Don’t Get Me Wrong, Good 4 Them If They Can Do That Everyday! Again, I Just Don’t Role That Way & I Hope You Can Appreciate Why? 🙂 Pet’s R Welcome & I Only Ask 4 $80 & Only $20 4 My Awesome Hair Removal System! Gentle & Safe For The Body:) Get Some White Cedar Soap & Aloe Vera Gel Soon:) I Can Only Do Quality Work, So I Do Only See a Few Clients a Day:) So Call Again If I Miss You & Thank U 4 Supporting My Small American Business:) Let’s Pray 4 World Peace & To Be Kinder & More Supportive 4 Each Other:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Where R We Now? Times R Stressful & Massage Can Help Smooth 4 You

Create Magic In Your Life With Massage:) Enjoy Deep Tissue Massage 4 Only $80 Bucks:) I See “Terms’ like Provider & Others On Various Places 4 Me To Get The Word Out About Me, Miss Wendy Arlene:) Massage Does Not Have To Be Boring, You Visit Me & Enjoy, Optional, Variety of Whiskey Spirits Before You Relax On My Table 4 The Best Massage:) I’m Studying The Culture Of Whiskey Love & Also Just Finished My Credits 4 School. Enjoy a Touch of Thailand With My Deep Tissue Approach:) FYI: Information 4 You: The Term “Provider’ Is Not Massage It’s Lazy Stuff:) It’s Like Saying to You, “Hey I’m Not Smart Enough To Finish Any Schooling In The Therapies of Body Care But I Can Suck & Fuck You 4 Lot’s of Money $140 +++ Maybe You Need That To Make Your Life Better, I Don’t Know??? I’m Just Here 4 You If You Truly Want a Massage:) My Herbal Hair Removal System Is The Best Too:) Last 4 Weeks, Natural, No Wax Used & Please Go To My Page Called, “Wendy’s Massage Menu’ Page To See My Video So You Can See the Difference Btw Waxing & My System:) I’m Licensed As a Massage Therapist In Florida & California Where I Got My Training & Skincare & Yoga:) Let Me Add Stretching 4 Your Wellbeing Too:) Have a Beautiful Day! Cheers

Happy Halloween Month:) My Favorite Month:) Please Read My Thoughts 4 Month:)

Hi Friends, I Hope This Beginning of Fall Seasons Is Super Fun & Why Not Join Me In The Fun:) I Decided Everyday, 31 days, To Wear a Halloween Something Special & Neat:) Could Be a Elf Dress, Cool Hat Or 1940’s Costume:) Just Fun With a Very Pampering Massage Of Course! My “Hair Removal Product’ Is Getting Very Popular Because The Results Last 4 Weeks:) Gentle, Natural & a Great Aloe Vera Massage Too:) Just a Winning Combination & You Get a Complimentry “Natural White Cedar Wood Soap’ After Care:) Only $20 Extra with Any 60 or 90 Minute Massage:) I’m The Only One I Know Of In The State That Offer This Treatment.System! Remember I’m Licensed In California Where I Went To School & Here In Florida & Have Been In Practice In Florida For Almost 15 Years:)
So To My Thought For This Month:) I think Most of You Know By Now That I Love Animals Both My Pets & All Critters:) I Have Met So Many Nice Folks & Thank You 4 Supporting My Small Business:) Join My Studies Now & Join Me In a Bit of Whiskey Tasting Before You Session! I’m Learning All About the Culture Of Whiskey & Bourbon:) Let Me Get You Ready 4 The Fall Season With Wonderful Skincare Services, Aloe Vera Facials & Scalp Massage & If You R Into The Wild Gals & Spending Lot’s Of Your Money On Them? Let Me @ Least 4 $80 to $100 Dollars Only Get You Looking Nice & Smooth 4 Weeks, Get You More Flexible & Offer You a Deep Tissue Massage With Hot Stones & My Aloe Vera Gel:) I Dropped My Prices a Bit & a Deep Tissue Is Only $80 Bucks:) So This Way You Can Spend Your Money Else Where Later Or Save 4 a Nice Lunch or Dinner Somewhere:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Enjoy My Once Sometimes Twice Month But Also Once Month Chit Chat:)

Enjoy Living In Paradise & I Hope When Your Ready To Travel Out of Your Cocoon? I Would Love To Give You Lot’s of Time To Relax & Give You The Best Massage That An Irish Lass Can:) Thank You 4 All My Great Reviews This Month:) Yay:) Finally Folks R Appreciating My Hard Work From School, My Soft Voice To Soothe & My Intuitive Touch:) Then, Mixing It All Up To Give You Something Special In The Art & Skill In The Massage World:) I Love Working On Feet & Take Pictures In An Artistic Classic Approach Of Mine:) So Let Me Use Reflexology & Feet Spa Treatments To Make Your Feet Feel Really Good:) Remember My Services R Only $80 Dollars $20 If We R Doing Hair Removal:) Go To The Page Called, “Wendy’s Massage Menu’ to See What My “Herbal Hair Removal System” Is All About 4 You To Stay Smooth:)
Please Keep In Mind, I’m Different, I Work Yes To Make A Living 4 My Pets & Me But I Care About The Folks I Meet To Help You Feel Better, Give You Lots of Time & Gift You Something Different Out There:)
Cheers To a Beautiful Day & Season 4 2023:) Wendy Arlene

Happy First Day Of August:) Yay

Hope Everyone Has a Wonderful Month & Find Time To Relax? Maybe With Me, Miss Wendy Arlene! After 10 Months Working On My Photography & Theme Ideas, I Added Many Videos On My Website Here. I Hope You Enjoy The Many Videos, Beach/Clothes Designs I Made In The Past 10 years to Day:) Done With Love For Life, Art & To Express Natural Beauty of Feminine Joy @ The Beach:) I Believe, a Women Does Not Have To Be Raunchy With Photos To Still Express Feminine Beauty:) If Your Far Away? You Know I Appreciate Your Text Response To How Much You Like My Website Or To Express World Events & How You R Doing Out There? I Care About You Even If I Can’t See You Too Often:) I Try To Be Different Out There? What Does That Mean Miss Wendy Arlene? I Make Sure If You Make The Time For Me? I Give You Plenty of Time For You Even If The Session Goes Over a Certain Time:) If I Have Not Meet You Yet & You R Wondering If I’m The Lass To See? I Hope So & I Know My Schedule & Yours Might Be Challenging In The Beginning Especially If You Call In The Middle Of The Day:( I Do Try Everyday to Do My Best But I Do Only See a Few Clients a Day:) Why Wendy? Why Don’t You Just Work All Day And All Night & Make Lot’s Of Money? LOL Well, First, I Want To Do Quality Work & I Also Do My Creative Projects & Studies:) I’m Working On a Second Degree. So I Do Alot Of Studying Day & Night:) If You See Me? Not Only Do I Do The Best Massage, Have The Best Music, Clean & Affordable, You Will Learn Something Cool Or Something To Think About For Sure:) Wishing Everyone a Beautiful Summer & If Your Looking @ My Post From a Different Country? I Only Speak & Read English. Sorry, Just An American Celtic Lass From Florida Raised In California:) Cheers, From Wendy & Dolly Rose, Now 13 years Old & You Will See Her In My New Videos:) Enjoy! Remember, I’m New To Using Word Press & I Don’t Get Any Comments Sent To Me:( Nor Do I Read Anything But English:) So Enjoy My Website 4 Just What It Is:) To Tell You More About Me & Only If Your Close By? Can I Help You With Massage Or Skincare:) Cheers