Happy July To All:) Enjoy New & Old Videos

Hopefully You Will See New Content, Videos & Text:) Will Updates Here & There:)
My Stretch Videos Called, “Serenity Movement Therapy’ Videos 1 and 2 For Sell:) Just Call & Ask Me:)
Or See Me for a Private Session to Help You Stretch for Better Health:)
My New Stretch Room is Ready, So Lets Stretch Together & Let Me Combine a Great Massage too:)
My Prices Are Super Fair For Everyone:) Enjoy My Skincare Services Too:) With Every Massage, You Get a Aloe Vera Facial with a Herbal Toner to Open and Clean the Pores on Your Face:)
Please Look at my Page, Wendy’s Massage Menu, “Spacecoast Treasures” If You Want to Know More About My Herbal Hair Removal Services:) Soon, If You R Looking @ My Blog Today, 7/12/24 See My New Videos Up in The Next Day or Two. Especially On My “Dance Page’ See a Few of My Classic Collection:) Most Recent, “Wendy & Dolly In The Rain” By Enya, One of My Favorite Heart Felt Songs:) Dedicated To My Dog, Dolly Rose, Now 14 Years Old. I Want to Do Another Dance with Her One Last Time:) I Hope You Like It? Along with Dancing with Her Years Ago Now:) And, Of Course My Classic Irish Dance Video on The Melbourne Beach in Florida:)
Have a Beautiful Day: Remember In Wendy’s World, Animals R Great & So R You:)
Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Happy July & See What’s New In Wendy’s World?

Hi Everyone New & My Friends That Are Like Its a New Month, What Is Wendy Arlene Doing Now?
Ok, This Month, Many Changes For The Website, My Tech Guy Is Back & Ready To Start Working On My Website, Actually Just Help With The Function & What You See Better:) Like You Can Not View My Contact Page Or Serenity Stretch Page Very Well:(
That Will Be Fixed Soon:) I Will Be Deleting My Home Page Pictures, Text & Videos. I Will Start The Page Over So You May See Text But No Videos Right Away Till My Tech Guy Puts Them Up:)
NEW NEW Videos, Some Oldies But Goodies That Everyone Likes Of Course:)
Yes, I Will Have My Serenity Movement Therapy 1 And 2 Videos Up For Sell Soon & There Will Be a Video Introducing Talking About How To See Them Soon:)
I Did Both Videos When I Was In California & I Believe If You Are Interested In Increasing You Flexibility & Just Over All Wellbeing:) For a Bonus, You Can Pick & Get Either My “Beautiful Photography Of My Feet Art’ Or “My Swimwear/Bikini Collections’ I Made So Many of My Own Bikinis Over The Years with My Pets. They Are Classy & Beautiful Just Like When You See Photo Photography of Old Movie Stars & Remember I Took The Pictures Before Technology Was Super Good at Taking Photos On a Phone! I Took These Pictures With My Sony Camera At The Time:)
I Always Have a “Swimwear/Bikini Calendar I Did Back In 2014 which is Really Nice Too! This Video Will Be Available Too:) When You Do See My Serenity Movement Therapy 1 and 2 Videos, “Introduction Videos of Stretching with Serenity’ The Second One I Did, Remember in 2009 Before I Moved To Florida. I Did That One Focusing On Women’s Health But Really, That One Is For Everyone:) Now Days, Men Are Starting to Stretch More & Realizing How Much It Helps Keep Them Feeling Better:) Plus I Look Beautiful Because I Practice These Stretches, Techniques As Much As Possible:) I Now Have a Stretch Room, So I Can Help You Stretch & Also Give You a Great Massage & Skincare Treatment:)
So, Enjoy Some Changes Soon & Remember with Summer Heat, Enjoy & Take Home By Request Some Freshly Made Aloe Very Gel:)
Have a Great Summer & Stay Tuned:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Hot Summer Time Aloe Time & Good Massage:)

Hi Friends, Wow it Sure is Hot & Then Some:) I Make Every Other Day, Fresh Natural, Greaseless Aloe Vera Gel:) Feel For Yourself The Refreshing Vibe That This Product Brings To My Massage Practice For You:)
I’m Just Different & I Embrace That About Myself:) I Think This Is What Makes Me So Unique:)
I Am Not Trying To Be Different Or Unique, I’ve Always Followed My Own Drummer So To Speak:) I Have a Very Safe & Very Quiet Office 4 You:) I Am Just An Alternative 2 What You May Find Out There On The Great Big Web! So Much To See & Many Folks Want Your Money. I Need Money Too, Who Does It? Maybe a Lottery Winner, Well If That Was My Case? I’d Be In Europe Sampling & Tasting Whiskey & Scotch Somewhere At a Local Pub:) Being Authentic Is Important to Me & Love To Learn Subjects About Many Things & Enjoy Learning From My Clients:) I Promise You Will Always Get a Great Massage, A Long Quiet Relaxing Massage! I Combine My Passion For Skin Into My Practice, So Enjoy a Mini Facial & Foot Rub:) Wow:) Just Those Two Additions Are Amazing Enough:) Have You Tried My Aloe Vera Gel, Non Greasy Along With Warm Smooth Stones Across Your Body Too:) Wow! I Wish, I Could Do This On Myself:) My Prices Are Only $80 For Massage & That Price Has Not Changes In 14 Years Since I’ve Been In Practice. Only $20 Extra, If You wish To Try My Herbal Hair Removal System:) I’m The Only One By My Knowledge That Offers a Way To Remove Hair For Weeks Without Using Wax! No I Don’t Use Nair:( Because I Am Licensed In Both Massage & Skincare From California & Florida Now, I Get The Best From Europe:) You Will See Ads That Offer Hair Removal & Be Wary:( Unless One Has a License, They Will Not Get The Best Or Have The Experience To Do It Right In My Humble Option:) So Try Me! If You R Into Wild Style Living? Just Try a Classy Lassie At Least Once! & I Can Get You Ready For The Beach & Party Lifestyle:) I’m Kind Of a Geek Yet Pretty & Sweet:)So They Say To Me:) Have a Beautiful Summer:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene:) Oh My Video Art & Stretch Videos Will Be Up For Subscription View Late July:) I Will Let You Know Here On My Blog When I’m Ready:) Cool Unique Video Art From Stretching, Clothes/Beach Wear Designs I Made To Fun Animal Videos And More:) I’m Working On My Newest Project, Studying The Art of Whiskey & I Usually Have Some To Enjoy & I Can Share With You All About The Different Kinds, Taste & History!
So As They Say In Irish Gaelic, “Sainte’ & In English, Cheers My Friends, Let’s Carpe Diam together:)

Almost Summer, Yay:) Hot & Getting Hotter

May Your Month In June Be The Best In The Most Relaxing Ways:) Remember Before I Forget Here, Wear Your Sunblock:) Keep Your Skin Healthy & Smooth:) Remember Too, I Do Herbal Hair Removal At It’s Best:) No Pain, Long Lasting & If Your New To My Website? See My Visual Video Called, “Spacecoast Treasures” Not As Fun & Entertaining As My Other Videos, No Very Cutie Dogs Or The Fair Celtic Lass, Only Informative & Prevent The Pain Experience That Would Be Waiting For You If You Decided Not To Listen To The Very Smart & Experienced Lass:) Remember Too, I Have a Licensed Both Here In Florida & California:) So You R In Smart Hands That Also Gives You a Great Massage:) Remember, OK Here I Go Again So Keep Up:) My Prices Have Stayed The Same For 15 Years & I’m Still Very Pretty:) I Think, Personally Though, My Inner Beauty Is What Really Makes a Difference:) I Will Always Treat You Like Your Are The Most Special Person You Are In “Wendy’s World’ My Little Dog, Dolly Rose, Is Dealing With Old Age Doggie Stuff:( She Has Been My Co-pilot For 14 years Now:) You Will Always See Her In Many of My Videos:) Have a Beautiful Day, Remember It’s Election Year So Stay Away From The Whores:) LOL You R More Special Then That & Enjoy Your Summer:) Cheers, Wendy Arlene

May With a Bit of Mayhem & Thoughts:)

Hi Friends, Usually I Only Offer My Thoughts Once of a Month. Unless I Have Important Stuff To Say:) First, Enjoy All My Wonderful Videos & Pictures of All My Cool Projects:) I’ve Been Doing Some Animal Rescue Videos Along with My Love For Dancing, Especially On The Beach!
Thank You To All My Regular Fun Clients That Are Smart & Enjoy a Wonderful Session That Offers Balance & I Really Care About You Very Much:) Listening To You & Trying To Help You Feel Better About Life In This Crazy Upside Down World:)
So Today, I Was Looking At Reviews About The Asians & Now, I Guess, Finally The Law In Florida Is Trying To At Least Slow Down The Human Trafficing Going On In Every City & State! I Think What Makes Me Sad The Most Is When Some Men Say Things Like, “What’s The Big Deal? “Quote’ “Oh The Horror, LOL'(Joking When Saying that,) I Don’t Think Many Men Know, Care Or Ignore All The Human Trafficing That Goes On, Yes The Asians For Along Time Did Not Have to Get a License, The Establishment Will Have One & Then Stuff Asian Women In Their Establishment To Work & Offer Very Dangerous Off The Rails, Sexual Acts:( If They Were American Establishments Like Mine & I Was Pimping Out Women Like That Yiks! I Would Be Shut Down In a Heart Beat! So For Many Many Years & Probably Still Will Continue Even With Any Crack Down!
So Yes, There Is Horror In Those Places For Women that May Not Really Have a Choice & Men That Write Reviews On Where & How To Take Advantage Make Me Very Sad:( There Are Many America Women Especially In Merritt Island Area For Some Reason That Will Do What the Asians In the Cities Do! They Are Not Slaves To an Establishment Even If 42% of STD’s Have Risen In The State of Florida In The Past Few Years:( @ Least They Could Make Better Choices If They Wanted But Lets Face It. They Make So Much Money Why Would They Go Back To School Or Change? My Business Modal Is About Balance & Safety But Also Gifting The BEST MASSAGE with Genuine Personality & Kindness For You! Always, I Treat You Like The Unique Person & Hope You Can Enjoy a Very Unique Session with Me & Relax In Tranquility & Get That Massage You Are Looking For By a Pretty Lass:) Have a Beautiful Day! Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Happy May Day The 1st Is Here & Now More Longer Days! Yay

Welcome To My Website or AKA “Wendy’s World” You Can Tell, Yes? I Love Animals, Making Videos So You Smile! Know More About Me? I Hope So? Who Else Have You Come Across, Who Does So Many Videos, Pictures & Text!
Yes, I Can Be a Bit of a Truth Teller, Yes, I Get Fystee About Topics! Sorry. Sometimes a Spotlight & Honesty is Refreshing Sometimes! Yes? Bringing Back The True Art of Massage, Great Conversation, Maybe Sample Some Whiskey & Enjoy The Best Massage I Offer. My Best, I Try Everyday!
I Have Met Many Nice Folks & I Love Meeting Your Pets! Being Sensitive to Energies, I Do Screen My Calls & Enjoy a Conversation on The Phone Before I Schedule with You! I Hope That Is Ok? Just Need To Make Sure I’m The Right Therapist For You & Visa Versa!
My Prices Are Super Fair & Reflect Massage Prices! Can You Really Relax with Me? Have Me Give You a Great Massage? Yes? Love to Meet You! I Only Work For Myself So Depending on The Day, My Dogs Health & Life Stuff? I Do My Best To Schedule Early In The Day! Please Understand & Maybe The Next Day Or? The Best!
See My Well Researched & Unique Video Called, “The Day of The Eclipse’ On My Home Page! I Know Off Topic About My Therapies. I Just Was Excited to Learn More & Experience This Event On April 8th Myself! And, You Can See What I Look Like In Motion! Enjoy Pictures of Both Past Present & Somewhere In Between:) Is That Not Nice & Refreshing From All The Fake Pictures You See? Or Generated By AI:( Again, About the Asians Just Ask If The Girl Really Wants To Be There? Are You Supporting Human Trafficing? Or Is Your Soul Advanced Enough To Do The Right Thing? I’m Not Saying This Paragraph To Self Promote. Believe Me, I Have Wonderful Clients Already & Only Looking For Sincere Sweet Folks To Spoil:) After The Eclipse, I Realized We Are Here Too Short of a Time Not To Do The Right Actions! My Motto, “Different Is Great’ Hope That Is OK With You? Have a Wonderful Day! Cheers, Wendy Arlene!

I Know It Is Not May Yet But Please Read & Enjoy Life!

Hi Everyone, Hope You Are Enjoying This Beautiful Weather? I Think We All Know Why Everyone Wants To Move To Florida! Unfortunely, There is The Very Very Dark Side! I Hope Everyone Can Support Wherever You Go? American Businesses & Realize That Even Where I Advertise Today In This Country! Women, Especially The Asian Women Are Being Sold As Sex Slaves Across America! It’s So Sad & Unsafe For You & Her!
It Brakes My Heart But You Can See How Young They Are, They Get Their Eye And Breast Surgeries Done & Are Most Maybe Not All Made To Beg For Tips & Do Whatever Because They Have No Other Choice:(
You Do Have a Choice To @ Least Think About It First & Have Some Compassion In Your Heart To See It For What It Is!
I Offer a Licensed Wonderful Massage & No One is Ever Bored Or Unhappy!
Enjoy My Updates On My Website Coming Next Weekend! Have a Beautiful Day
Cheers, Wendy

Welcome 2 April:) Animal Rescue Awareness Month, Pets & You Welcome:)

Hi Friends, Thank You For Bringing In Your Pets, Best Friends, Last Month:) Here is Some Pictures of Some & Some of My Neighbors Pets That I Have Been Caring Last Month Or Who Visit Me @ My Quiet Pet Friendly Office:) Natural Snacks & Lots of Love Always:) Enjoy a Great Massage Better Then Going To a Corporate Place or Somewhere They Don’t Speak English:( Enjoy Great Music From The 70’s 80’s & Recent Artist:) You Will Love The Music & Of Course Warm Stones with Fresh Aloe Vera Gel I Make Myself:) I’m Licensed In Massage Therapy & Skincare So You R In Great Hands In “Wendy’s World” Check Out My Herbal Hair Removal System For Gentle Hair Removal & Long Lasting WITHOUT The Wax!!! No Waxing, Better For You & Folks Visit From Miles Away For Just This Procedure:) Always Fun & You Will Leave Feel Better Than Just Going Anywhere An Experiencing The Same Same:) Have a Beautiful Month & I Hope By Mid April 2 Place More Videos Up:) Cheers, Wendy & Friends:)

Happy Irish Month:) March 1, 2024

Hi Friends, It’s Getting Warmer Out There! Yay:) Get Swim Suite Ready & Enjoy Some Pampering Time with Me:) Have You Tried Or Have The Courage 2 Try My Herbal Hair Removal Products? Please Look @ My Menu Page On My Website 4 My Video Called, “Space Coast Treasures:) Super Gentle & My Reviews R Spot On! Last 4 Weeks & No Trauma 2 The Skin! Now, Some May Be Like, Miss Wendy, Your Wearing a Bikini In The Photo:) Yes, For Many Years I Modeled On the Beachie Shores of California Before Politics Ruins The State & Modeled On The Sandy Sunny Beaches Here In Florida:) I Made My Own Clothes & Swim Suits Too:) Time Is Flying When You R Busy In Life Stuff! Yes? We All No Matter What Age Can Have Healthy Beautiful Skin & Why Not Show U That It’s Possible @ Any Age!:) Yes? Beautiful Skin & Art Work That Represents My Love 4 Animals Is What I Rock Now:) I Hope U Pick Me To Gift U a Beautiful Massage, Maybe Become Friends, You Know Who You R 🙂 Thank U to My Clients/Friends 4 Supporting My Small Business & Understanding The Art of Massage Can Have Balance & Still Be The Best in Town:) Remember Pets R Welcome & Stay Safe This Year:) Take Your Vitamins, Drive Slower & Enjoy Every Moment U Can In Complete Grace & Relaxation:) Life Goes By Fast Catch All Those Little Moments That Make U Happy:) For Folks That Read My Other Post, I Will Always Keep You Updated On When I May Take a Few Days Off Or If I Run Into Another On-Line Troll That I Need 2 Address:( Be an Example of What a Kind Person Can Be But Always Stand Up 2 Bullies Especially On-line:) Grace, Love & Thoughtfulness 4 Animals & People U Know Or Don’t Know Makes The World a Great Place 2 Hang Out, Especially In “Wendy’s World”
Cheers, Wendy Arlene

Happy February To Everyone:) Enjoy Spring Time Almost Here:)

Wow Here In Florida It’s Been Cold 4 Florida! Thank You To All My Great Clients & Friends Near & Far:) You Know Who You R & I Wish All of You Sweet/Kind Folks a Great Year:) Enjoy Some Nice Services I Offer Here In Palm Bay By Me, Miss Wendy Arlene:) Always Private & Always Safe 4 You to Have Plenty of Time to Relax with My Hands & Personality:) Remember Pets R Always Welcome & All I Need Is Sometimes Time to Set aside Time Especially 4 You to Hang Out:)
Starting in March, New, Mix & Match Your Session Which is Optional 4 You:) “Serenity Thai Yoga’ So I Stretch You Out In My “Serenity Room’ & Then Enjoy a Swedish/Thai Massage To Really Really Enjoy The Relaxation & Rejuvenation This Kind of Session Can Offer You:) All I Ask Is You Really Want To Learn a Bit How To Really Stretch & Rejuvenate Your Body:) Only $100 & Its All Very Worth It:)
Remember My Moto 4 This Year is Be Kind Unwind & Know You Do Have a Place To Relax & Get Something Different 4 Wellbeing & Uplifting Feeling:)
Also Remember Pets R Welcome & I Always Look Forward to Meeting You Again or To Meet You 4 The First Time:)
Thank You 4 Stopping On-Line Bullying From Last Month:) I Feel It’s Important To Fight 4 What Is Right & Enjoy The Best Life Now & Forever:)
Cheers & Happy Valentines Month Too:)